Хуулж эхлэхийн тулд танд MT4 бүртгэл хэрэгтэй болно.
Хэрэв танд хараахан байхгүй бол энд бүртгүүлнэ үү.
Дэлхий даяарх стратегиудыг судлахад зориулагдсан сошиал арилжааны програм.
Арилжаа хуулах—Найдвартай байдал.
T & C өргөдөл гаргах | Арилжаа хийх нь эрсдэлтэй
Pelican програм нь удирдахад хялбар интерфэйсийг санал болгож, анхлан суралцагч болон мэргэжлийн хүмүүсийн аль алинд нь саадгүй арилжаа хийх боломжийг олгодог.
Арилжаачдын нийгэмлэгийн тусламжтайгаар хэрэглэгчид туршлагатай мэргэжилтнүүдийн арилжааг судалж, хуулж авах боломжтой.
Өөрийн стратегийг олон нийтэд нийтэлснээр, таны арилжааг дагах сонирхолтой бусад арилжаачдын сонирхлыг татах боломжтой.
Аль нэгэн арилжаачныг дагахаар шийдэхээсээ өмнө 5,000 гаруй бусад стратегийг үзэж танилцаарай.
Хайлт хийх - Нийгэмлэг дэх 5000+
амьд стратегийг судлах
Өөрийн арилжаагаа
хуулбарласан сигналаа байнга хянах
Өөрийн дагаж мөрддөг арилжаачдын талаар цаг алдалгүй мэдээлэлтэй байх
холбосон дансаа нэг товшилтоор солих
Хуулж эхлэхийн тулд танд MT4 бүртгэл хэрэгтэй болно.
Хэрэв танд хараахан байхгүй бол энд бүртгүүлнэ үү.
Pelican програмыг суулгаад
хэрэглэгчийн бүртгэл үүсгэнэ үү.
Client Portal дахь Пеликаны функцуудыг идэвхжүүлнэ үү.
Баталгаажуулсны дараа MT4 бүртгэлээ апп дээр холбоно уу.
Аппликешн дээрх 5000 гаруй стратеги
г үзэж танилцаад, дагах арилжаачаа сонгоорой.
Одоо байгаа RADEX MARKETS харилцагчдын хувьд:
1. Өөрийн функцийг идэвхжүүлэхийн тулд бүртгүүлнэ үү Харилцагчын портал
2. App Store эсвэл Google Play-с Pelican програмыг татаж аваад Pelican апп дээр хэрэглэгчээр бүртгүүлнэ үү.
3. MT4 нэвтрэх мэдээллээ оруулан MT4 бүртгэлээ Pelican профайлтайгаа холбоно уу.
RADEX MARKETS-ийн шинэ харилчагчдын хувьд:
1. MT4 данс нээж
2. Бүртгэлийг баталгаажуулсны дараа харилцагчын портал дахь Пеликаны арилжааны хөтөлбөрт хамрагдах хүсэлт гаргана уу
3. App Store эсвэл Google Play-с Pelican програмыг татаж аваад, дараа нь Pelican апп дээр хэрэглэгчээр бүртгүүлнэ үү.
4. MT4 нэвтрэх мэдээллээ оруулан MT4 бүртгэлээ Pelican профайлтайгаа холбоно уу.
1. Арилжааны дансаа програмтай холбоно уу
2. Сигнал нийлүүлэгч-г сонгоорой
3. Шаардлагатай маягт болон үнэлгээний анкетыг бөглөнө үү
4. Пеликан таныг үйлчилгээ үзүүлэгчийн хувьд шаардлагад нийцэж байгаа эсэхийг хянаж үзэх болно. Хянах үйл явц 48 цагаас илүү хугацаа шаардагдах тохиолдолд бүртгэлийн менежертэйгээ холбогдоно уу.
1. Pelican апп-ын "Дисковер" хэсгээс дуртай стратегиа сонгоно уу.
2. "Хуулбар" дээр дараад, хувилах арилжааны хэмжээг өөрт таалагдсан хэмжээгээрээ тохируулна уу.
3. Нээлттэй арилжааг хуулж, арилжааны хамгийн бага хэмжээрүү дөхүүлэх эсэхээ сонгоно уу.
4. Сонголтоо хянаж баталгаажуулаад дараа нь нөхцөл, болзлыг зөвшөөрнө үү.
Илүү ихийг үзэхийн тулд товшино уу
2.1Pelican Trading (hereinafter the “Platform”, and “website”), a trading functionality that allows you to copy the account of other traders, it is a method that allows you to copy specific strategies of a copied investor (“Provider”). You are responsible for choosing the Provider. We do not assume any liability for the decisions made by the chosen Provider.
2.2The Provider is not an employee or a contractor or an agent of Radex Markets and is not affiliated with Radex Markets in any other way. Radex Markets does not authorize the Provider to promote the services provided by the company or to solicit any third parties to make investments.
2.3Radex Markets does not provide asset management, portfolio management, personalized investment recommendations or advisory services to you within the scope of the Program. Any information provided by the Company to you with regards to the Program is not, and should not be, considered as an advice of any kind.
2.4You may not interfere in the trading operations of the Provider or challenge their trading strategies.
2.5Your funds are deposited to or withdrawn from the Pelican Trading Account solely by you.
2.6All settlements and remittances on the Pelican Trading Account related to the Fees and distribution of profit are exercised by Pelican.
2.7Radex Markets has no obligation to reveal any personal information about the Provider.
2.8Approval to become a Provider is subject to the appropriate registration and confirmation by Radex Markets and Pelican.
2.9Radex Markets reserves the right to pause, stop or block any Provider from being copied or you from copying the trading activity of the Provider under the Pelican Trading Account functionality at any time at our own discretion.
3.1To set up the Pelican Trading Account, you must accept these Terms.
3.2By accepting these Terms, you shall be deemed to have unconditionally accepted these Terms.
3.3Following the registration of the Pelican Trading Account, you will receive a confirmation email and a detailed manual from your account manager containing instructions about how to operate the Pelican Trading Account.
3.4Provider accounts shall appear in the public list of provider accounts available on our Website.
3.5To enable the copying feature on Pelican Trading, you must first fund the live MT4 trading account through the Radex Markets’ client portal and start copying trade signals of the chosen Provider thereafter.
3.6The name and description of the Pelican Trading Account must not contain any of the following:a. Obscene language or any elements that are insulting in nature, including racial, religious, nationalistic and ethnic slurs;b. Guarantees of profits or other promises;c. Direct or indirect references to the Company’s competitors;d. Names of government bodies or officials;e. References to other Pelican Trading Accounts.
3.7 Radex Markets reserves the right to change the name of the Pelican Trading at our own discretion and may not give prior notice.
3.8 Radex Marketsreserves the right to decline a deposit into the Pelican Trading Account without prior notice or explanation when:a. Fraudulent activity is suspected;b. The Client’s username contains elements as set out in Clause 3.6 and Radex Markets’request to change that username has not been satisfied;c. Radex Markets deems it necessary under the circumstances.
4.1You authorise Pelican and Radex Markets to issue the Copy Orders by indicating the relevant Provider in the dedicated section of the Platform. The execution by Pelican and Radex Markets of the Copy Orders shall not require any additional authorisation or consent from you.
4.2The Copy Orders shall be executed by Pelican and Radex Markets on a fixed or pro rata basis and in accordance with the restrictions, including without limitation the Minimum Deposit, length of the trading interval etc., which may be specified on the website or the platform.
4.3The trade signals originated by the Provider shall be shared through the relevant functionality of the Platform.
4.4You will be charged one or more of the following Fees for the execution of the Copy Orders by us:a. Platform Feeb. Performance Feec. Any other fees as may be introduced by Website.
4.5The Fees shall be calculated as set out in the fee schedule published on the Pelican application. The Fees shall be charged automatically by the Pelican.
4.6By applying for the Pelican Trading Account, you confirm that you:a. Have all the power and authority to abide by these Terms and understand the significance and consequences of your own actions;b. Assume responsibility for enforcing the provisions of these Terms;c. Are suitable for receiving the Pelican Trading Account services;d. Agrees to, and accepts the leverage used by the chosen Provider and the restrictions which may be applied to the Pelican Trading Account;e. Will check on a daily basis the status of your Pelican Trading Account.
4.7Execution of the Copy Orders by Pelican does not create a contract between you and the chosen Provider and doesn’t bind the Company in any way.
4.8Upon successfully copying the Provider, users have the ability to specify the trade size scale, minimum trade size, and drawdown within the subscription page.
4.9The follower have the option to replicate existing trades from the subscription page.
4.10 Followers can discontinue copying the Provider by either setting a hard stop level or manually unfollowing the Provider.
4.11Pelican reserves the right to impose admin fees contingent upon specific circumstances, thus the ultimate performance fee payable to the provider will be determined based on Pelican's final accounting.
5.1 You confirm and acknowledge that decision to copy a Provider(s), the opening and closing of copy trade(s) will happen from your trading account through the automated trading execution, without your manual intervention. You further authorise us to execute all actions undertaken by the chosen copied Provider or strategy, such actions are automatic once initiated by you and do not require any pre-authorisation of ongoing activity/copy trades.
5.2 You confirm and acknowledge that a decision to follow a Provider(s), is performed at your own initiative without our intervention and you are solely responsible for any actions and losses that may arise in your Trading Account.
5.3 You remain at all times, solely responsible for monitoring, selecting and assessing the suitability of one or more Provider's Strategies they choose to copy, and you shall be able to simultaneously copy a maximum number of Strategies based on margin availability. The Strategies do not contain and should not be construed as containing financial advice or a financial and/or investment recommendation or, an offer of or solicitation for entering any trades.
5.4 You can close any copied trades manually at any time.
5.5Radex Markets and Pelican shall continue to be committed to exercising reasonable endeavours to monitor the performance of Providers’ accounts, portfolio and/or strategy, against parameters established by them, which may include, risk behaviour, performance, profitability, drawdown and any other parameters deemed relevant by us. All performance-related data are automatically updated and can be accessed through the Client Trading platform.
5.6 Radex Markets reserves the right to stop you from copying any Master Trader, account, portfolio and/or strategy, at our own discretion and to block any Master Trader’s account, portfolio and/or strategy from being copied.
5.7 Your positions in respect to orders requested or executed with any of the financial instruments offered by us, shall be copied in Fixed or pro rata propositional to equity amounts.
5.8 You acknowledge and understand that you use the Pelican Trading Program at your own risk. Radex Markets, and our employees, affiliates, clients, and agents will not be liable for any losses that you may sustain as a result of using the Program or the non-performance of a Provider.
5.9 Other than the costs referred to within the Client Agreement and Trading specifications incorporated to our website and Client Trading Platform, there will be no additional costs incurred by the client for the Pelican Trading service.
6.1 You represent and warrant that:a. Carrying out trading activities on the RM SOCIAL Account does not violate the requirements of any applicable law (including but not limited to currency, taxation, civil (commercial), banking or any other legislation) of your country of residence.b. You possess all necessary authorisations, approvals, permits, licenses, registrations and consents from each relevant regulatory body/authority necessary to enable you to lawfully accept these Terms and to perform the entire duties and obligations hereunder.You shall at all times whilst these Terms remain in effect, comply with all relevant rules and the conditions attaching to such authorisations, approvals, permits, licenses or consents and with any laws, rules, regulations or requirements of all relevant governments, agencies, bodies or institutions so far as they relate to the performance by you of your duties and obligations hereunder, and you covenant to inform us of any actual or likely change in such status.c. You understand and acknowledge that Trading forex, derivatives and leveraged products carries a high level of risk, including the risk of losing substantially more than the initial investment;d. You accepted these Terms according to the procedure and on terms specified on the Website.e. All personal data submitted by you to us is valid and accurate.f. Acceptance by you of these Terms and the performance of you obligation hereunder do not conflict with, nor result in a breach of, or constitute a default under, the terms of any other, agreement, arrangement or understanding to which you may be a party.g. These Terms shall at all times constitute a legal, valid and binding obligation on you.
6.2 In addition to the representations and warranties set out in Clause 6.1, in the instance where you registered as a Provider, you represent and warrant that you:a. Have a practical trading experience in Financial Derivatives.b. Completely understand the meaning of the activities performed in the capacity of the Provider and acknowledge the legal consequences thereof.c. Shall carry out activities aimed and focused at increasing the Pelican Trading Account’s Equity.d. Shall operate in good faith.e. Shall assure full confidentiality of access details to the Pelican Trading Account.f. Shall not “churn the trading account” (or in other words open and close many trades for the purpose of gaining commission rebates).g. When dealing with third parties, you agree to:
h. In addition to the representations and warranties set out in Clause 6.1 you specifically assure and agree that you:
i. Will immediately notify Radex Markets if you are unable to log into your account and/or you’re at the Platform and/or is not receiving the email communications, so that Radex Markets could rectify the situation.
j. Will not reveal the credentials (password, ID) of your Pelican Trading Account and will not give access to any third party to your Pelican Trading Account.
7.1 Radex Markets represents and warrants that we:a. Do not take part in the management of the Pelican Trading Account, but only provide access to the Platform functionality and information resources required for copying the trade signals generated by the Provider.b. Are not a financial advisor and it does not give any recommendations regarding management of the Pelican Trading Account.c. Do not give any instructions or consultations, particularly in analytical materials published by the experts of Radex Markets on the Website, which in no case should be qualified as management recommendations, as well as pieces of advice, consultations, or recommendations regarding any types of investments.d. Exclusively controls the correctness of calculation and settlements between Radex Markets and you and between you and the Provider as set out in these Terms.e. Shall use every reasonable effort to ensure that the Program function, and any on-going obligations or liabilities which may be imposed on you, including taking all reasonable steps to ensure that you are given (in a comprehensible way) all the information needed by you.
8.1 Any positive or negative consequences of the execution of the Copy Orders under these Terms shall have a direct effect solely on you. While providing the Program, Radex Markets bears no responsibility for the actions of your actions including you registered as a Provider.
8.2 By instructing us to execute the Copy Orders, you confirm that you understand and accept the inseparable risks associated with trading in CFD products.
8.3 Radex Markets is not responsible for the competency of the Provider, the business and ethic merits and bears no responsibility to you - for any possible loss or lost profit.
8.4 Radex Markets is not responsible for ensuring that the Provider is licensed or authorised (if required) to carry out the activities contemplated by these Terms.
8.5 Radex Markets is not responsible for providing the Provider with premises, data systems, any secretarial, book-keeping or record keeping services to assist in exercising the management of the Pelican Trading Account.
8.6 Radex Markets expressly states to you that we do not guarantee profit or the recurrence of rates of return that have been made by the Provider in the past and warns that no positive record of trading strategy implementation ensures the repeat of trading success in the future.
8.7 You shall bear financial responsibility for any negative Equity incurred on the Pelican Trading Account as a result of the execution of Copy Orders.
8.8 You accept full responsibility for any and all financial losses such as direct losses or profit losses resulting from the following risks:a. Risk that the Provider does not possess the necessary qualification (if required) or knowledge necessary to carry out trading activities.b. Risk that the Provider may carry out fraudulent operations using the Platform functionality.c. Risk that the Provider may lose control over the Pelican Trading Account and third parties may gain access to the Pelican Trading Account.d. Risk that the Client may misunderstand or misinterpret these Terms.e. Risk of unforeseen delays in transfers between the Account and the Pelican Trading Account or late execution of deposit/withdrawal instructions by us.f. Risk of the Pelican Trading Account’s closure.
8.9 Under no circumstances does Radex Markets bear responsibility for the consequences of such risks listed in Clause 8.8 above.
8.10 Radex Markets gives no warranty as to the performance and/or profitability of your trading decisions including the performance of any investment, portfolio or strategy followed by Provider(s).
8.11 Radex Markets shall not be liable for any loss suffered by you in connection with the Program under these Terms unless such loss arises directly from the gross negligence or fraud of Radex Markets.
8.12 Radex Markets shall not be liable to you or any other person for any consequential, circumstantial, special or indirect damages (including without prejudice to the generality of the aforementioned, loss of profit, loss of opportunity, commercial losses and damages) which are incurred by you in connection with these Terms.
8.13 Radex Markets will not be under any duty to provide you with any legal, tax or other advice relating to any Transaction or to the use of the Program. You may wish to seek independent advice before entering into a Transaction or use of the Program.
8.14 The Company does not guarantee the reviewing and monitoring of all content posted through any of the Company’s websites, application and/or any network status/posts/blogs/forum and any other communications and/or content options available by the Company and the Company does not in any manner encourage, support, verify or agree with any such content that has not been reviewed or monitored.
8.15 Radex Markets provides the Pelican Trading Features for information purposes only and neither we nor our affiliates and/or employees and/or agents are investment or financial advisers and any information is provided solely to enable you to make your own decisions and does not amount to investment, tax, legal or other advice or unsolicited financial promotions to you and you at your own risk are solely responsible for any decision, strategy and actions and/or losses sustained as a result of your own actions.
8.16 You are solely responsible for seeking independent advice prior to using any of the services provided under these Terms and in determining whether the services under these Terms are appropriate and/or suitable to you.
8.17 Information of the previous/past performance of a Financial Instrument is not a guarantee for its current and/or future performance. The use of historical data does not constitute a binding or safe forecast as to the corresponding future performance of the Financial Instruments to which the said information refers nor that any account will likely achieve profits or losses similar to those applied by and shown in the Provider(s) account.
8.18 Placing additional trades on your account or modifying or cancelling an order generated by the use of Pelican Trading Features acknowledges that this may result in a different outcome than the outcome reached in the account of the Provider(s). Unopened copied trades in amounts lower than the minimum trade may also result in different results. Cash-out and withdrawal by the Provider may also generate a materially different result from what you have copied as it may affect the copy trading proportions.
8.19 You are warned that Slippage may occur when trading in Financial Instruments and Radex Markets does not guarantee that the trade will be filled at the order price/stop loss specified in the account of the Provider(s) and all orders will be filed at the available market price available to us that may or may not match the requested order price.
9.1 Radex Markets acts exclusively as the provider of the technical facilities and access to the Platform (acting directly or through its counteragents). The company shall by no means bear any responsibility for the profitability or losses of any trading operations performed on the Pelican Trading Account.
9.2 Radex Markets reserves the right to make proper enquiries of the Provider and/or relevant regulatory authorities to establish that the Provider does hold any required permissions. At the request of Radex Markets, the Provider shall supply details and evidence to us of their legal and/or regulatory status and of the licensing and/or authorisation requirements applicable to their activities (if any).
9.3 If Radex Markets discovers that the Provider is procuring losses and/or damages to us, then we reserve at our own discretion the right to:a. Inform you, who has instructed Radex Markets to copy the trade signals of that Provider, and/orb. Suspend the trading activity of the Provider, and/orc. Close the Pelican TradingL Account and block the operations of the Provider, and/or d. Decline paying the Performance Fee or any other Fee to the Provider, and/ore. Use the Performance Fee or any other Fee to compensate the Company’s losses of any kind resulting from the actions of the Provider.
9.4 You (including acting in the capacity of the Provider) hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Radex Markets and our affiliates, partners, co-owners, contractors and each of the respective directors, officers, agents, representatives, employees and invitees against any losses, damages, claims, expenses, liabilities, demands, costs of any kind or nature whatsoever (including all consequential, direct, indirect, special or incidental loss or punitive damages or loss, fines, penalties, interest and loss of profit or any other form of economic loss (including loss of goodwill, injury to reputation or loss of business opportunity)) (collectively the “Losses”) that may be incurred by Radex Markets as a result of:a. Radex Markets acting in good faith while providing the Pelican Trading Account Program based on instructions or communication which objectively appear to originate from or a person authorised by you (the Provider);b. Any act or omission of you and/or the Provider or any of their employees or representatives or agents acting on their behalf;c. Any false or misleading information or declaration provided or made by you or the Provider either to us or to any third party;d. Radex Markets acting in compliance with any direction, request or requirement of any regulatory authority or government body; regardless of whether any such Losses in question were foreseeable or not.
9.5 The indemnity given in Clause 9.4 shall not be construed as implying any exclusion of or limitation on any contractual liability which you or the Provider may incur under these Terms and is without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of Radex Markets, whether under these Terms or otherwise.
9.6 The indemnity given in Clause 9.4 extends to Radex Markets’ legal, administrative, and other professional fees, costs and expenses incurred in respect of taking any legal or investigatory action against you or the Provider, or instructing any debt collection agency, to recover monies owed by you or the Provider to us.
9.7 The indemnity given in Clause 9.4 shall survive the closure of the Pelican Trading Account and termination of the Program.
10.1 By entering into this agreement and accepting these Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge that you have read and understood our Privacy Policy, available on our website.
10.2 Radex Markets may collect client information directly from you (in your completed Copy Trade Contact Form or otherwise) or from other persons including, for example, the credit reference agencies, fraud prevention agencies, banks, other financial institutions, third authentication service providers and the providers of public registers.
10.3 Client information which Radex Markets holds is to be treated by us as confidential and will not be used for any purpose other than in connection with the provision, administration and improvement of the Program, anti-money laundering and due diligence checks, for research and statistical purposes and for marketing purposes. Information already in the public domain, or already possessed by us without a duty of confidentiality will not be regarded as confidential.
10.4 Radex Markets does not disclose to the Provider any information about you, who has authorised Radex Markets to copy the trade signals except the Platform reference of your Account.
10.5 Radex Markets does not disclose to you any information about the Provider, except the name and number of the Pelican Trading Account and the information located in the relevant section of the Website.
10.6 Radex Markets does not disclose to any third party any information about you and/or the Provider except cases when such disclosure is binding upon the company by virtue of Applicable Laws and Regulations.
11.1 This Agreement is governed by the Laws of Seychelles.
11.2 All transactions on behalf of you shall be subject to Applicable Regulations and any other public authorities which govern the operation of us, as they are amended or modified from time to time. Radex Markets shall be entitled to take or omit to take any measures which it considers necessary to ensure compliance with the Applicable Regulations, the relevant market rules. Any such measures as may be taken shall be binding on you.
12.1 These Terms shall become legally binding on you at the moment when you receive a confirmation from us that the Pelican Trading Account is set up. You shall be legally bound by these Terms until your Pelican Trading Account is closed.
12.2 Radex Markets reserve the right to review and/or amend the provisions of these Terms at any given time it deems suitable and appropriate without notice to you. These Terms are made available on our website and upon request.
12.3 Radex Markets will incur no liability whatsoever for any partial or non-performance of the provision of the Program by reason of any Force Majeure Event and Radex Markets shall not be held liable for any loss that the Client may incur as a result thereof.
12.4 Radex Markets reserves the right to terminate the provision of the Program to you at any time upon its sole discretion.
13.1 Your registration as a Provider does not entail any changes in the basic status. The Provider is not an investment manager or investment advisor or portfolio manager or an agent or employee or contractor of Radex Markets. In respect to the Provider and you, who have instructed Radex Markets to copy the trade signals, any and all provisions of the Terms apply as well as all regulatory documents of us which are applicable to you. The application of such documents to the Provider and you, who have instructed Radex Markets to copy the trade signals, is carried out without any waivers, except those permitted according to these Terms.
13.2 If, at any time, any provision of these Terms is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the applicable law and regulations of any jurisdiction, neither the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms nor the legality, validity or enforceability of such provision under the applicable laws and regulations of any other jurisdiction shall in any way be affected or impaired.
13.3 Issues not covered in these Terms shall be regulated by the General Terms and Conditions and, where applicable, other legal documents available on our website. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of these Pelican Trading Account Terms and the provisions of the Terms or other legal documents, the provisions of these Pelican Trading Account Terms shall govern and control.
13.4 Radex Markets may not accept complaints nor compensation requests for the performance of the Pelican Trading Account. You agree that a Provider Strategy’s poor performance in itself (i.e. a Strategy falling in value) may not constitute a ground for a complaint that can be upheld. The value of a trade generated by a Strategy fluctuates daily; the fact that a Strategy may perform poorly does not necessarily mean that the company or the Provider acted in negligence. Radex Markets remains committed in exercising all good faith in resolving satisfactorily any concerns, other than the above mentioned, raised by you. If Radex Markets receives a complaint, it will be handled as per the dispute resolution procedure as stated in our Disclosure Statement.
13.5 Trading Margin Products can create tax implications. Generally, if you make a gain attributable to an exchange rate or price fluctuation then that part of the gain is included in your assessable income. Conversely, if you make a loss attributable to an exchange rate or price fluctuation then that part of the loss is deducted from your assessable income. However, the taxation laws are complex and vary depending on your personal circumstance and the purpose of your currency trading. Accordingly, you should discuss any taxation questions you may have with your tax adviser before using our products.
14.1These Terms become effective on the date you or Provider accepted them and shall continue indefinitely until terminated by you or Master Trade.
14.2The agreement may be immediately terminated, at any time, in accordance with the provisions set out in the terms of the agreement.
Эрсдлийн дохио : Худалдааны дериватив ба хөшүүрэг бүтээгдэхүүн нь өндөр түвшний эрсдэлтэй байдаг.