透過Trading Central交易中心的工具,提升你的交易策略
充分利用RADEX MARKETS瑞德克斯與Trading Central交易中心合作的多款交易工具,幫助提高交易者的最大潛力可能。 Trading Central交易中心所提供的交易工具,讓你便捷的尋找並驗證市場機會、了解並控管你的交易風險。
今天開始使用Trading Central交易中心,讓你交易更加得心應手。
Trading Central交易中心的TC指標透過創新的交易插件提供交易市場判讀參考。這些交易指標反應市場心理並能幫助你發現交易機會與潛在的進/出場價位。而且,這些指標都能直接於MT4/MT5的圖表上讀取。
Analyst Views分析師觀點提供了一個簡單、可執行的交易計畫。 這是一款由市場分析師與自動量化計算歸納出的獨特組合。 憑藉清晰的趨勢線、無比的覆蓋率與隨市場更新的分析發佈。 Analyst Views為一強大的工具,可用於尋找新的交易思維與進/出場時機。
Featured Ideas ™ 精選策略提供你合適的日內交易參考,結合獲獎殊榮的技術分析與可客制的交易設置。有了這款獨特透明的精選策略,你可以隨時掌握市場分析,並學習圖表類型的意義。
Trading Central交易中心的電子報提供具可信度最新市場機會、新聞、與市場事件等資訊,你可以用它作為判讀市場的參考。這些內容皆基於交易中心完整的線上應用程序產生,讓你盡請瀏覽了解市場趨勢,驗證你的交易策略方向的正確性。更重要的是,每日直送你的e-mail!
Trading Central is a respected third party supplier of Radex Markets. Traders should note that Radex Markets offers the software to its customers as a bonus feature and does not warrant the completeness, accuracy or timeliness of the information supplied. Radex Markets does not have any connection with, or vouch for the accuracy of the trading styles described, or predict or guarantee any outcome as a result of their use. Responsibility for the claims made in the materials are made by Trading Central and Trading Central alone. All predictions are not in anyway provided by Radex Markets. Trading Central, its affiliates and any third party contributor will not be liable for any claim, damages or other liability arising from, out of, or in connection with the use of the Charts. The Charts run on pricing data provided to a third party charting administrator, and you accept that the price data displayed in the Charts may be delayed and that Trading Central does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the data. The material is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument. The strategies mentioned herein may not be suitable for all investors.
The opinions and recommendations herein are by Trading Central and do not take into account individual client’s circumstances, objectives or needs, and are not intended as recommendations of particular securities, financial instruments or strategies to particular clients. Users of this service should take independent decisions regarding any securities or financial instruments mentioned herein.
風險警告 : 交易金融衍生品與槓桿產品具有高度風險